The fountain, find your place (E-book)

Gain Control of your life through insights into your family system

Els van Steijn (Auteur)
Using the fountain as metaphor for the family system, you learn what your own, unique place is. Once in your place, you receive the flow essential to how your life progresses.
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Waar gaat het over?

Do you encounter the same problems in your daily life, time and time again? Do you want to shake off a feeling that you just can't put your finger on? Do you often feel guilty or are you a people pleaser? Are you stuck in an unhealthy relationship or is contact with your parents difficult? How can you learn to deal with this, so you can experience more calmness in your life?

Stubborn patterns in your life can often be traced back to your family system, the inseverable connection you have with your family members. Just like in nature, this system has invisible laws that you're often unaware of but that significantly influence your life. This handbook, full of practical tips and straightforward theories, explains how you can make systemic laws work for you, in order to live life to the fullest.

Using the fountain as a metaphor for the family system, you will learn about your own, unique place. Once in your place, you will receive the flow that is essential to how your life will progress. Many people are unconsciously not in their rightful place, meaning that they can experience problems in all kinds of areas. This book provides insight into the workings of the fountain and gives you more control over your life.

Find your rightful place using the fountain and allow your life to be better than ever before.

Els van Steijn (1969) is a team trainer and coach specialised in the systemic perspective. She applies systemic workings in her coaching practice and guides family and organisational constellations. For her clients, 'The Fountain' is an eye-opener and the missing puzzle piece they need to effectively take the next step.

'When you travel, you take your own patterns with you. I, too, still have a lot of work to do on myself. During my last trip, I read "The Fountain". I was intrigued by the theory. The insights help to keep growing as a human being.'
Floortje Dessing

Over de auteur

Els van Steijn (Auteur)


Auteur(s) Els van Steijn, Natasha Barton
ISBN 9789492331847
Uitvoering Ebook
Uitgeverij Vrije Uitgevers, De
Taal Engels
Verschijningsdatum 12-05-2020
Aantal bladzijdes 181