Start to draw (E-book)

Visual Communication in the Workplace

EUR 19.99 9789401480987 19,99
  • E-book, direct leverbaar
  • Klanten geven THEMA een 9.4/10

Waar gaat het over?

Drawing enhances memorisation, understanding, talking and listening and sparks communication. It is a universal language, and can help you convey your message more clearly and engagingly - especially during meetings, while laying out ideas or simply in a brainstorming session. So why have all of us stopped drawing at a certain point in our lives?

Start to Draw is a fun and clear-cut guide to drawing and visualising your ideas in your work environment. It is an accessible, bite-size book providing insight into why drawing works, how you can have a great impact on your own (and others') professional work, and how you can end up with a more creative approach to your job.

Over de auteur

Axelle Vanquaillie (Auteur)


Auteur(s) Axelle Vanquaillie
ISBN 9789401480987
Uitvoering Ebook
Uitgeverij Terra - Lannoo, Uitgeverij
Taal Engels
Verschijningsdatum 19-05-2021
Aantal bladzijdes 144