Planning Competences (E-book)

ICB4 Reference Guide

EUR 34.88 9789401812634 34,88
  • E-book, direct leverbaar
  • Klanten geven THEMA een 9.4/10

Waar gaat het over?

"As projects become increasingly technically complex and global, involving more functions, products, geographies, and stakeholders, Project Planning is more critical than ever as a key success factor. This is because Project Planning is essential not only to ensure timely deliveries but also to build trust among all project stakeholders. Expertise in this field has become an important criterion for customers and sponsors when selecting their suppliers.
Having a standard for Project Planning aligned with the IPMA Project Management standard (ICB4) enables the professions of Project Planners and Project Managers to collaborate harmoniously, using a shared language. The people competence elements are identical for both professions, as they work together within the same project team. Perspective competence elements are similarly aligned, although tailored to meet the specific needs of project planning. The practice competence elements go deeper into traditional planning aspects and incorporate modern approaches, such as forensic planning and agile methods.
Given the global shortage of Project Planners, this standard provides organisations with a model to develop their project planning teams and identify gaps in expertise-not only in terms of knowledge but also in skills and abilities. For Project Planners themselves, the standard serves as a tool for creating their own development plans within the Project Planning profession."

Over de auteur

Agnes Roux-Kiener (Auteur)

Gilles Vallet (Auteur)

Philippe Rocher (Auteur)


Auteur(s) Agnes Roux-Kiener, Gilles Vallet, Philippe Rocher
ISBN 9789401812634
Uitvoering Ebook
Uitgeverij Van Haren Publishing
Taal Engels
Verschijningsdatum 27-11-2024
Aantal bladzijdes 65