Organisational Competence Baseline for Developing Competence in Managing by Projects (E-book)

EUR 22.89 9789401811934 22,89
  • E-book, direct leverbaar
  • Klanten geven THEMA een 9.4/10

Waar gaat het over?

What defines whether a project or programme is "good" or "bad"? When we're striving for excellence in the execution of our projects and programmes, what do we mean? IPMA has given its extended definition in the PEB, the Project Excellence Baseline. This model is based on the well-known EFQM model, but is adapted to the field of project- and programme management and after over 10 years of use has been adapted to the model we're using now.

Over de auteur

IPMA (Auteur)


Auteur(s) IPMA
ISBN 9789401811934
Uitvoering Ebook
Uitgeverij Van Haren Publishing
Taal Engels
Verschijningsdatum 01-06-2024
Aantal bladzijdes 125