Individual Competence Baseline for Portfolio Management (E-book)

EUR 40.28 9789401812023 40,28
  • E-book, direct leverbaar
  • Klanten geven THEMA een 9.4/10

Waar gaat het over?

The IPMA ICB4® is the international standard on competence for project, programme and portfolio managers. The competence needed for each of these domains is defined in the following competence areas: "People" (how do you interact with the people around you, and yourself); the "Practice" of our work (needed for Projects, Programmes and Portfolios); the "Perspective" of the intiatives you're running (the context within which the initiative is run and the link to what needs to be achieved).

Over de auteur

IPMA (Auteur)


Auteur(s) IPMA
ISBN 9789401812023
Uitvoering Ebook
Uitgeverij Van Haren Publishing
Taal Engels
Verschijningsdatum 01-06-2024
Aantal bladzijdes 187