If Criticism hurts (E-book)

or a blessing in disguise

If Criticism Hurts is easy to read and a must-have for both recipients and givers of criticism.
EUR 7.00 9789463283472 7,-
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  • Klanten geven THEMA een 9.4/10

Waar gaat het over?

We all get criticized. That's part of life. Parents, partners, friends, haters, strangers, they all have an opinion on what you do, what you don't do, and what you should do. But if the critique hurts and leads to anger or sadness, it means you are a victim of two unexpected enemies: your ego and your inner critic. If you want to be free from the pain of judgment, you need to say goodbye to your ego and welcome your true Self, the authentic and unique person that you are.

Henny Bos links personal experiences and his experiences as a counselor to statements about criticism by great thinkers, such as Jung, Freud, Tolle and Aristotle. In this handy, pocket-sized book, he gives you practical tips and tools to deal with negative feedback constructively.

If Criticism Hurts is easy to read and a must-have for both recipients and givers of criticism.
Have fun reading and learning!

Henny Bos was a manager at a large publishing house, assistant professor in Utrecht (The Netherlands), and director of a communication and marketing agency. After a crisis in 1992, he retrained as a coach and completed different studies: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychosynthesis, Intuitive Development, Counseling, Train the Trainer, Mindfulness and Codependency, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Enneagram Coaching, Inner Child Work Coach. As a qualified counselor, he coached more than 1.500 clients

Over de auteur

Henny Bos (Auteur)


Auteur(s) Henny Bos, Leontine van Mourik
ISBN 9789463283472
Uitvoering Ebook
Uitgeverij Boekenbent, Uitgeverij
Taal Engels
Verschijningsdatum 14-03-2020
Aantal bladzijdes 69