OMG, mail!

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Waar gaat het over?

How much email do you process daily? And for each email you send, do you consider the quality that your recipient deserves? The digital age that we live in is generating more and more email. This practical book provides you with 12 efficient ways to master your email and save time. By applying these “emailquettes”, you will not only increase the quality of the email you send out, but also save time when handling incoming email from others. With practical do's and don’ts, useful examples, and examined best practices, you will learn how to save surprising amounts of time. You will get things done faster and better by sending professional, efficient email.

Over de auteur

Michael Boes (Auteur)


Auteur(s) Michael Boes
ISBN 9789463890823
Uitvoering Paperback
Uitgeverij Boekscout
Taal Engels
Verschijningsdatum 03-12-2021
Aantal bladzijdes 90