HRD Audit: Evaluating the Human Resource Function for Business Improvement

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EUR 31.05 9788132119678 31,05
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Waar gaat het over?

Human capital is an essential component of the market value as well as brand value of every organization. HRD Audit presents the first-ever comprehensive approach to evaluating and re-designing human resource development (HRD) function and interventions, and maximizing their contribution to business goals and human capital formation. A unique feature of the book is the HRD Score Card approach that organizations can use to assess and benchmark their level of HRD and its alignment with business goals.

The second edition is thoroughly updated and revised to cater to the needs of current practitioners and students. It aligns the chapters with the HRD Score Card 2500, which itself is based on the first edition of HRD Audit and developments thereafter.

Over de auteur

Rao (Auteur)


Auteur(s) Rao
ISBN 9788132119678
Uitvoering Paperback
Uitgeverij SAGE
Taal Engels
Aantal bladzijdes 398