• Leverbaar vanaf 16-09-2024

Bad Services

Why They Happen and How to Fix Them

This is a guide for organizations to implement service design, emphasizing the importance of organizational change, diagnosing bad services, and offering practical tools and cases for improvement.
Onderwerp: Leiderschap
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EUR 23.99 9789063697211 23,99
  • Leverbaar vanaf 16-09-2024
  • Klanten geven THEMA een 9.4/10

Waar gaat het over?

Good services don't happen by accident, and neither do bad ones. Designing a service that works for users and organizations is just the first step. The real challenge begins when that design is turned into reality.'Bad Services' delves into common obstacles. From organizational silos and risk aversion to a lack of buy-in, the barriers can seem insurmountable. This book helps you understand why service design often fails to be implemented and provides practical solutions to overcome these challenges. In 'Bad Services,' the author explores the universal difficulties faced when trying to deliver effective services. You'll learn how to identify the root causes of these issues and how to address them effectively. Whether you're a designer or a change-maker, this book offers clear and straightforward steps to overcome the barriers to good service delivery. You'll discover how to make a more significant, lasting impact with your work and create the conditions necessary for good services to thrive.'Bad Services' is an essential read for professionals at all levels who are involved in service design and delivery. The insights and strategies provided will help you navigate the complexities of service implementation and drive meaningful change in your organization. Discover how to turn the challenge of delivering good services into an opportunity for innovation and excellence.'Bad Services' is the sequel to the international bestseller ‘Good Services’.

Over de auteur

Lou Downe (Auteur)


Auteur(s) Lou Downe
ISBN 9789063697211
Uitvoering Paperback
Uitgeverij BIS Publishers BV
Taal Engels
Verschijningsdatum 16-09-2024
Aantal bladzijdes 224